Not only have we got a new recipient of an award, but, a NEW award. So without further adooo etc etc, we are proud to announce.......ROLL DRUMS.......BIG TRUMPET FANFARE..............WE GIVE YOU
As you know dear pals, our dear friend Fester went OTRB recently. His mum was broken hearted and is still hurting pals. As his friends we were devastated too, we could not believe it pals. We know Fester was a very popular chap and had many, many good friends. He was one of the kindest and loyalist of friends. It is not just us who have said this but many of his pals. He was always there with a cheery smile, a little quip to make us laugh, lots of paw hugs when we were down. All those special #FesterSnuggles. A true, true special friend. So, we decided that in his honour we would name an award after him and what better than one for a special friend. So Fester is the first recipient and then it will always be referred to as The Fester Special Friend Award. So if any of you have a special anipal friend, or special human person friend, or maybe a human person who has a special anipal friend, let us know pals and they could be receiving this very special award. Now please bring your paws together for the wonderful Fester, we miss you pal, but we know you are still around us being that special,
special friend. Appaws Appaws Appaws.............
Yes folks, we has another award to hand out. It is The Wolfie Award for Bravery and it is being handed out posthumously to a very special pal from Italy, PANTIE!! APPAWS!! APPAWS!! APPAWS!! As you all may well know, dearest Pantie went OTRB recently after fighting his illness bravely and heroically. He was a touch Italian boy who fought bravely his illness. His mum was broken hearted and we have all been trying to cheer her up. We got to know dearest Pantie when we joined TWITTERY last year. We also know his cousins Ugo and Pulce, also in Italy. He was a wonderful pal and we all had lots of laughs together It was an absolute honour to have known him. But, of course, he is still watching over all of us especially his mum, he has his paw on her shoulder every day keeping her safe. WE SALUTE YOU PAL PANTIE, YOU ARE CERTAINLY ONE OF OUR BRAVE HEROES !! WE LOVES YOU PAL XXX
(if you click on the award images it will open to another window, easier to read)
Hey pals it be that time again, we has got some more awards to give out. In recognition of anipals and humans who have done sumfing to help anipals in some way. We have a campaigner for anipal welfare, two anipals who have shown massive kindness to other anipals and sadly, a posthumous award for bravery.
The first award is "The Alfie Award for Animal Campaigning". Alfie kindly agreed to having his name on the award. We have awarded the first one to him. He has done such amazing work to highlight the evil cruelty that some anipals endure from evil humans and the useless sentences that are passed. MORE POWER TO YOUR PAW ALFIE !!!! YOU ARE A TOP CAMPAIGNING HERO.
The award coinsides with Alfie launching his charity, "Alfie's Law Foundation" Please go to his website and join our fight for anipal welfare and PROPER SENTENCING FOR ANIPAL CRUELTY !!!
Alfie has written a little piece explaining how his campaign started.....
NOW, NEXT AWARD...... Well pals, this is a very, very sad one. We had already decided to award The Wolfie Award for Bravery to Pingu prior him going OTRB and wanted to awrd him posthumously. He was a wonderful kitty from Essex who had a lot of health problems including a liver shunt. He was one of the bravest of kitties, fought his illness with dignity right to the end. We never met him but we feel as though we know him and feel the masses amount of love that he gave to his mum, dad and brofur Sharky. His mum, dad and brofur were devastated when he passed OTRB. But, we know that Pingu is still with them, sitting on their shoulders everyday watching over them. We send them our deepest, warmest love and affection and hope that this will bring to the fore the condition of LIVER SHUNT KITTIES. We will ask Pingu's mum for any links related to liver shunt kitties and add them here. Please pals, take a moment to think about brave Pingu and other kitties who have or are suffering from the same condition. APPAWS APPAWS FOR PINGU PAL XXX
Now pals, we have another new award. The Cold Wet Nose Day Campaign Award for Outstanding Kindness and Generosity. This goes to Marble and Mikey. Marble lives in the USA here is her website linky MARBLE'S WEBSITE and Mikey lives in Durham, England. Now, Mikey nomsinated Marble for this award, this is what Mikey wrote about Marble......
I would like to nominate @marblesays for a Cold Wet Nose award. Marble is the most generous cat on Twitter and has sent boxes full of pawsome gifts to lots and lots of pals. I first met Marble when I won a quiz at a #TWCD Twitter pawty that she had organised to raise funds for @CrashsLanding shelter. I was expecting to receive a couple of toys. Instead I got a huge box of lots of @petmate products, with extra toys for me to take to the shelter I came from. I have recently got even more things when my two new brofurs
We also have somthing from Wolfie.........
helped in my recovery and I
just love it. Since my operation I do get tired more easily so when I’m not
racing round the garden or charging up and down the stairs, I can usually be
found snoozing away happily in my new beddy. I cannot thank @marblesays &
@Mikey_W_Cat enough for their amazingly generous gifts – they have very kind
hearts and I would like to nominate them both for a Cold Wet Nose Day Award for
kindness & generosity.
Hey pals! Welcome to our Cold Wet Nose Day Campaign Page. We are delighted to announce another award recipient. IT IS, DRUM ROLL, FANFARE......FESTER'S MUM!!!!!
Yes folks, we know that Fester's mum works with kitties and her devotion to their welfare both at work and away from work is unceasing. We were going to write a little bit about Fester's mum but we thought that we would let Fester tell you all about her and what she does...
Not only have we got a new recipient of an award, but, a NEW award. So without further adooo etc etc, we are proud to announce.......ROLL DRUMS.......BIG TRUMPET FANFARE..............WE GIVE YOU
The Fester Special Friend Award
Appaws Appaws Appaws.............
special friend. Appaws Appaws Appaws.............
Yes folks, we has another award to hand out. It is The Wolfie Award for Bravery and it is being handed out posthumously to a very special pal from Italy, PANTIE!! APPAWS!! APPAWS!! APPAWS!! As you all may well know, dearest Pantie went OTRB recently after fighting his illness bravely and heroically. He was a touch Italian boy who fought bravely his illness. His mum was broken hearted and we have all been trying to cheer her up. We got to know dearest Pantie when we joined TWITTERY last year. We also know his cousins Ugo and Pulce, also in Italy. He was a wonderful pal and we all had lots of laughs together It was an absolute honour to have known him. But, of course, he is still watching over all of us especially his mum, he has his paw on her shoulder every day keeping her safe. WE SALUTE YOU PAL PANTIE, YOU ARE CERTAINLY ONE OF OUR BRAVE HEROES !! WE LOVES YOU PAL XXX
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(if you click on the award images it will open to another window, easier to read)
Hey pals it be that time again, we has got some more awards to give out. In recognition of anipals and humans who have done sumfing to help anipals in some way. We have a campaigner for anipal welfare, two anipals who have shown massive kindness to other anipals and sadly, a posthumous award for bravery.
The first award is "The Alfie Award for Animal Campaigning". Alfie kindly agreed to having his name on the award. We have awarded the first one to him. He has done such amazing work to highlight the evil cruelty that some anipals endure from evil humans and the useless sentences that are passed. MORE POWER TO YOUR PAW ALFIE !!!! YOU ARE A TOP CAMPAIGNING HERO.
The award coinsides with Alfie launching his charity, "Alfie's Law Foundation" Please go to his website and join our fight for anipal welfare and PROPER SENTENCING FOR ANIPAL CRUELTY !!!
Alfie has written a little piece explaining how his campaign started.....
well it all started when I arrived at my forever home in April of2012 as a tiny
pup only 8 weeks old. My mum set up a twitter account for me so I could make lot
of new friends many of which you can see on my website.
While we were reading tweets we
noticed there were so many requests for help all around the world to stop animal
cruelty & many of them were here in the UK. So mum did some research and was
horrified at the amount of cruelty cases that were going on and the weak
sentences that were being handed down by the Courts. That did it…we set to work
on raising awareness with a petition and website to appeal to the public to
support changes to legislation & sentencing for animal
We received so much support from
people & businesses alike which gave us the determination to carry on even
when at times the stories of abuse were harrowing and caused us so many
We are now almost at the end of
our 1st year of campaigning for Alfie’s Law and the first petition
ends on May 31st, BUT we are not giving in. we have gained more than
38,000 signatures so we are now ready with petition 2 in the hope of getting the
100,000 next time.
More good news is the launch of
my new charity Alfie’s Law Foundation. The aim of the foundation is to carry on
raising awareness of the deplorable amount of animal abuse in the UK and the
lack of action to do something about this from our Government. We are also
raising money to help pets that are in NEED. You can read all about the charity
and our fantastic team at www.alfieslaw.co.uk. And also on our
community Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Alfies-Law/280970865343025
Since the very first day of
Alfie’s Law we have fought for Justice for Pets day in and day out and this will
not change until we get the legislation & sentences that reflect the
severity of the crimes that are inflicted on animals.
Many thanks for your continuous
support for Alfie’s Law
NOW, NEXT AWARD...... Well pals, this is a very, very sad one. We had already decided to award The Wolfie Award for Bravery to Pingu prior him going OTRB and wanted to awrd him posthumously. He was a wonderful kitty from Essex who had a lot of health problems including a liver shunt. He was one of the bravest of kitties, fought his illness with dignity right to the end. We never met him but we feel as though we know him and feel the masses amount of love that he gave to his mum, dad and brofur Sharky. His mum, dad and brofur were devastated when he passed OTRB. But, we know that Pingu is still with them, sitting on their shoulders everyday watching over them. We send them our deepest, warmest love and affection and hope that this will bring to the fore the condition of LIVER SHUNT KITTIES. We will ask Pingu's mum for any links related to liver shunt kitties and add them here. Please pals, take a moment to think about brave Pingu and other kitties who have or are suffering from the same condition. APPAWS APPAWS FOR PINGU PAL XXX
Now pals, we have another new award. The Cold Wet Nose Day Campaign Award for Outstanding Kindness and Generosity. This goes to Marble and Mikey. Marble lives in the USA here is her website linky MARBLE'S WEBSITE and Mikey lives in Durham, England. Now, Mikey nomsinated Marble for this award, this is what Mikey wrote about Marble......
I would like to nominate @marblesays for a Cold Wet Nose award. Marble is the most generous cat on Twitter and has sent boxes full of pawsome gifts to lots and lots of pals. I first met Marble when I won a quiz at a #TWCD Twitter pawty that she had organised to raise funds for @CrashsLanding shelter. I was expecting to receive a couple of toys. Instead I got a huge box of lots of @petmate products, with extra toys for me to take to the shelter I came from. I have recently got even more things when my two new brofurs
Amongst other examples of generosity, Marble has done the
She created a great Twitter mystery when she sent an
anonymous box of goodies to @SquirrelsKitty.
When @catizensmith (Wolfie) had to have his leg amputated,
Marble sent him a soft carrier for his trip to the v*t, some FatCat nip toys
and a very comfy beddy to help with his recovery.
Marble helped @HalfordU to surprise his #dieseldolls on
Valentine's Day, sending gifts to @miaandmanu, @katkay41, @CyndiandLatte,
@StellaMaybel, @melinabehney, @pollywollycat, @BeverlyAnnel &
@simba_the_queen Also in receipt of
Marble boxes have been @ItsMeDeaner, @chutneysupercat and @princesstwiggyx
On behalf of everyone I would like to say a huge Thank You
to Marble, for sharing her excellent #topcat work and products with us.
We also have somthing from Wolfie.........
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Wolfie with his gifts from Marble & Mikey |
Just before I had my operation I got a big parcel through the post from
@marblesays and @Mikey_W_Cat; there was a beautiful new carrier for me to go to
the v-e-t in, a whole tub of nip toys and a brand new, comfy, plush bed. They
were all lovely presents and I was overwhelmed to receive them. My new beddy
has made all the difference - it is the purrfect size for me and supports &
cradles my shoulder just right. I am sure it has
Signed Wolfie @CatizenSmith
There you go pals, Marble is a big hearted kitty who deserves the awrd. Amazing lady kitty.
Now, the young lad from Durham, Mikey was nomsinated by Wolfie and his family. They also supported Mikey's nomsination for Marble. Neither Marble nor Mikey knew they had been nomsinated. Mikey is a wonderful, kind and thoughtful kitty who is only 2 yrs old but is very mature in his understanding of the plight of others. Young Mikey wrote a little profile for us, before he knew about his award. And here it is in his own words........
I was born in a farmer’s field on 4th May 2011 and my mum was a feral cat.
We ended up in a small rescue centre and it was there that I met my mum for the
first time. The rescue centre is in the place where my German Shepherd sisfurs
go for their holidays. I was very small when I met mum, but I walked over to her
and when she picked me up I sat on her shoulder. I still ride around on her
shoulder now, even though I has grown a little. I like riding around like this
as I lets me be extra nosey. I even ride on my vet whenever I go visit them. My
vets call me parrot cat. I like playing with water and make sure I is extra
specially clean by taking showers in my water fountain. I also play fetch with
scrunched up balls of paper, I think I learned this from my dogs when I was
So anyway I now live here, with my two German Shepherd dogs, Sophie and
Ruby, and four other cats called Mr Elvis, Fat Cat Cleo, Charlie and Jasper. We
all get along really well, but it does be a bit crazy when we all doing zoomies
at 4am.
There you go pals, all our award recipients are heroes !!! We love them all so very, very much. They have been added to our list of Cold Wet Nose Day Campaign heroes. Words cannot say just how we feel about you all. Our awards are just a little token of our appreciation and to promote certain issues. HEROES, PALS HEROES !!! CONCATULATIONS TO ALL OF YOU ON THIS PAGE !!! APPAWS APPAWS !!!
Hey pals! Welcome to our Cold Wet Nose Day Campaign Page. We are delighted to announce another award recipient. IT IS, DRUM ROLL, FANFARE......FESTER'S MUM!!!!!
Yes folks, we know that Fester's mum works with kitties and her devotion to their welfare both at work and away from work is unceasing. We were going to write a little bit about Fester's mum but we thought that we would let Fester tell you all about her and what she does...
Well pals, my mummy works for a re-homing centre which is a self supporting charity
licensed by the RSPCA. She is the Cattery Supervisor. She cares for all of the
abandoned/sick/mis-treated puddies that come into the centre. This can range
from newborn kittens to older, frail puddies. A lot need extra special TLC and
mummy and her colleagues always give 100% to ensure this happens. Once the
puddies are healthy and happy again mummy goes about finding them their new
forever homes. Mummy loves her job and her extended fur baby family. All my
brofurs and sisfurs have come home with mummy from her work. I cannot tell you pals just how proud I am of my mum. She is the kindest, lovingest, bestest mum to all of us and we want to concatulate her on her award.
HEY PALS !!! More COLD WET NOSE DAY CAMPAIGN NEWS COMING UP. We got 3 more awards to hand out to humans. Will be informing you all in next two days !!!!! Don't forget, LET US KNOW OF ANY ANIPAL OR HUMAN WHO YOU THINK DESERVES AN AWARD.
We have also had some ideas for other awards form our pals. We will be adding them to our list of awards, more on that ASAP.
We were keen to see what all you anipals and humans thought of the idea, well, it seems to be very popular and we want to thank all of you for your comments, emails and all the support for the campaign. It is now FULL STEAM AHEAD............
Attention : Cold Wet Nose Day Campaign update......... First Award for a Human
Yes folks, the first human award has been bestowed on someone who has given a forever home to many anipals over the years. That person is Chrizzie from Amsterdam in Holland. Nomsinated by her kitty Sjaak. Sjaak told us that Chrizzie has been giving a forever home to stray and unwanted anipals for many years. No matter what anipal, cats, dogs, birds, little mammals, even lizards. This is exactly what we have been looking for, people from the UK and all over the world who give their love, time, money, heart and soul to the well being of anipals. We know there are many of you out there and we want to write about all of you. So please, if you know of someone please let us know. We do have some more to add already, so keep checking this page on our bloggy.
For now, it is with great pleasure that we award Chrizzie with the Cold Wet Nose Day Campaign Humans Award, For Outstanding Love and Kindness. Many concatulations.
We would like to announce another recipient of The Wolfie Award for Bravery. It is Archie bunny. He was nominated by his pal Bilbo bunny. Poor Archie is suffering from an awful illness and is fighting hard to beat it. Through all this he is being brave and positive. Like all the recipients of the award, Archie is an inspiration. We are lost for words, so brave. Our hearts go out to you sweet little pal. PLEASE FOLLOW ARCHIE ON TWITTER @thedailylama1 LETS GET HIS FOLLOWERS TO 1000+ COME ON PALS !!!
Hey pals!!! We back !!! Got a bit of update on our Cold Wet Nose Campaign. But first, we wish to thank efurryone for all their positive feedback on our idea. It has been pawwwwssssooommmmeee!!!
We have set up a page on our bloggy here just for The Cold Wet Nose Day Campaign. On that we want to add lots of stuff sent to us by YOU! As we said, things like you, or someone you know has given another anipal a forever home. Someone has helped out at an anipal charity, raised money for an anipal charity or, maybe helped a neighbour who has anipals. Really anything that shows humans and other anipals helping other anipals. We want info and if pos pics.
Now, we did say that there was an award related to TCWNDC, well, it is called The Wolfie Award for Bravery. We asked Wolfie if he would put his name to the award and he graciously accepted. We chose 3 anipals who have been exceptionally brave recently. Wolfie cos of his life changing operation, Marie cos she was badly attacked by evil human and Blue who was viscously attacked by a dog. Thankfully they are all making amazing recoveries and have been so brave. Below are copies of their awards.
We know there are many, many other anipals who also deserve The Wolfie Award for Bravery so please pals let us know who they are and we will add them to the hall of bravery. We want to let efurryone out there know JUST HOW BRAVE ANIPALS ARE!! So please, we have selected three, now it is over to you. No competition, just stories of bravery.
If you would like to suggest other types of awards PLEASE LET US KNOW. The Cold Wet Nose Day Campaign is for YOU ANIPALS, done by YOU ANIPALS (and a human here & there!)
We want to suggest a pawty to launch the Cold Wet Nose Day, tweet us pals and tell us what you think and when you would like to have it.
What a wonderful section &( such a great title Felix & Jasper!
ReplyDeleteCONGRATULATIONS to the latest winner of the Cold Wet Nose Award. Yoo-hoo! YOO-HOO!!! purrs
ReplyDeleteThe Cold Wet Nose Day is a brill idea boys. The WLF are having a Catference on 4th May. I proposed that we discuss ways of promoting the campaign, come along and lead the discussion. After all it was your idea. >^..^<
ReplyDeleteHugs and purrs
We are pawsomely proud of the recipients of these awards, as well as Felix & Jasper themselves for arranging these acknowledgements by presenting the awards. Well done efurrybuddy *APPAWS APPAWS*