Now, we have a special pal of ours who lives in Wales.  His name is Jaffa. He is a Norwegian forest cat and they can be quite big. He is a big boy all of 20 lbs !!  He lives in Cardiff with his hooman mum and dad. He is a rescue kitty and he came to his forever home when he was 3, he is now 6. In April this year Jaffa had a little bit of an adventure, well, we let him tell you in his own words.
“Well efurrybody in April this year I went missing for 18 long days, my mum and dad were desperately worried and terribly upset. I eventually turned up in a garden in the next street.  The girls who found me looked on the internet and saw where my mum had posted me missing. They rang my house and my daddy came and got me. I was so happy to be home. My mum and dad were so relieved and happy. I am now allowed out at night any more and my mum and dad have to block my catflap as I know how to undo the locks!  I love my mama and adore my daddy.  I am very honoured to be invited to share my story with you by my good friends. I am also a very proud member of #wlf.  Please say hi to me on twittery my  name on there is @msjonc  I look forward to chatting to you, hope you enjoyed my story, purrs XXX “
Thank you Jaffa, we remember it well when you went missing, all us pals were so dreadfully upset and then you turned up, we were all so happy and relieved. Now, we got some pics of big boy Jaffa, just take a look at these. 

We would like to introduce you to another one of our special pals from across the water, this time from Canada, all the way from Nova Scotia, the east side of Canada if you not sure hehe! Our pal is NERISSA or Nissy to his pals. Yes, we did say HIS. Hehe, his mum and dad called him a girl's name at first 'cos he was very antisocial and they could not get near him. They weren't sure if he a boy or girl. All you Shamespeare experts will know that Nerissa was Portia's mate in Merchant of Venice. Nissy lives will 11 other kitties, he has a bit of an addiction to nip (don't we all! hehe). Is nine and half years old, loves chilling out on little roof near kitchen. Writes a BRILLIANT blog like some of our other pals. Here is his blog address : http://www.nerissaslife.com/
Here are two bril pics of the dude himself.

Another special pal from USA is TWEETING TRUMAN!  He very smart dude. He lives wiv his mum, dad and fursib Jaycee. He was a shelter kitty and then found his forever home. He loves catnip, toy mice, paper balls, all toys, cuddles, and loves to play on Twitter with all his furiends. He also helps his mum write novels when she not doin her regular job. Please check out his blog http://www.trumancat.blogspot.com/ but his typist has been neglecting it lately. He is considering cutting her pay! This is Truman, just off to a Twitter pawty.
This is Truman after a hard night pawtying ! He is one heck of a dude !!!

We have two very charming lady pals from Cambridge. We fink they highly eduscated as well as good lookin!  Like ALL our lady pals on here!  They are Zoby Doby 
Zoby was born in a litter tray. Well, we not sure what to say, she ok though. Comes from Blue Cross. She loves pawtys, havin fun, a really fun girl. Her sisfur is Floby Doby 
She a cream and blue exotic, we give you bit more on dat when we get it. She was very successful showgirl when she was younger. No, not THAT sort of showgirl!  She won fings in feline shows. She very quiet, not so in to pawtys like Zoby. They both lovely ladies.

Another great pal of our is Marie Atkins from good old USA. She is of course @cats_meows on twitter. A lovely, charming lady married to Murphy Atkins. She is a proud member of #wlf and #PinkAngels. Here are some special pics. The first one is Marie with her hubby Murphy and her best feline pal Nancy Cake Face with her fiance Bode outside a castle in Scotland for Murphy's birthday. 
This is Marie at her wedding shower in Monaco.
This is Marie & Murphy at their fairytail wedding outside a castle in Ireland, beautiful couple awwww XXX

We have a lot of special pals from all over the world, as efurryone can see. We have some more for you now from not too far away in BELGIUM!  They are Da Fluffarooniez, they are doggies - Beauregard the poodle, Moccha the cavalier King Charles spaniel. The kitties are - Simba 13 the elder kitty, Avalon the baby kitty who is 6yrs, other kitties - Figaro, Raphael, Neo, Dahli, Bodhi, Gizmo, Kayleigh, Bailey, Kaia, Maylea, Lainey, Tiger Lily, Constantine, Moonray, Calisto and Biloxi. Phew!! Not forgetting a 27yr old cochatiel called Flip & 16 budgies with 25 baby budgies !!  All live in big house in Flanders in Belgium. they love naps, food, playing and their mum & dad. HERE THEY ARE -
on Twitter they are @Dafluffarooniez

We got a special feline couple to tell you about. We are SOOOOOO happy that they have become boyfriend & girlfriend. It is Angus and Princess Tilly.  Angus is a Russian blue, he lives in South Africa, he is an absolute gentleman, obviously comes from a distinguished background. As does his sweet girlfriend, Princess Tilly of Scotland. She lives not too far from us. She is a Siamese and we fink she looks like a beautiful lioness in her pic. We will have a lot more to tell you about this beautiful couple. Here they are..

We thought that it would be nice to introduce you to some of our special pals. We met through #wlf WHISKAS LIBERATION FRONT and we have all become great pals.  You may well have already met HRH Duchess of Bramley. We have become her enquiries, we drive her and HRH Mimi to all of their gigs, sorry, swarays! 
The Duchess has a sisfur HRH Mimi of Bramley
They are both Yorkshire lasses. Our mum has been to Yorkshire a few times, she says it is bril. It has beautiful countryside.  Now both the Duchess and HRH Mimi are known for their attractive outfits when attending their swarays. Here is Duchess in a couple......
At a Hillybilly pawty
At a prestigious pawty recently

We have another special pal called Fester. He lives in Bognor Regis in Sussex. Mum has been there too. We nearly went to live there as mum looked at a house there. Mum loves the South coast and misses it so much. His mum works with anipals and Fester has lots of brofurs and sisfurs, some puss cats and other different anipals. This is our dear pal Fester.
We have just received a SMASHING  picture of our pal Fester, he is relaxing in his snuggley bed. He looks soooo relaxed and such a cool dude ! Mum said he so handsome. Mums are always right !

If any of you pals have more pics of yourselves and would like them added to this page PLEASE SEND THEM TO US we will add them with great pleasure. 

Another one of our great pals is Mr Tibbs, he is a very hardworking statesman of the #wlf. He is cool, relaxed  and very wise, that is why they call him Mr Tibbs ! He has his own column 
If you get a chance please have a look. 
Here is Mr Tibbs.
Mr Tibbs has a brofur called Wolfie, his name on Twitter is CatizenSmith, yes he is a revolutionary as his famous name suggests. 
POWER TO THE ANIPALS!! Both Mr Tibbs & Wolfie come from Colchester in Essex.
Here is the dude himself, WOLFIE!

 We now have two Canadian pals, all the way from Nova Scotia!  They are River and Streamie.  Here is Streamie
And here is River
They are very handsome guys and look very much alike.  We are so pleased to have such great pals in Canada.

We would like to introduce you to 4 more of our special pals, they all from the same family in Wolfiehampton.  It be 3 sisfurs and 1 brofur.  One of the sisfurs is a young kitty and new to the family. We think Henry, the brofur is a bit fed up with all the girls.  They wind him up a little bit, especially his new sisfur Blue. We always pull his leg, say he got his own hareem. He he!!
This is Tabbi, we fink she is the senior sisfur.
This is Ebony, always on the go
This is Blue the baby kitty
This is Henry guarding the scratch post !

We can add more pals from around the world.  We are pleased to say we have another pal from abroad, it is PATCHY from Cyprus!  She is a member of #wlf , very proud. She got a bloggy too!  We will get the link for her bloggy and add it on here. She has 4 other brofurs & sisfurs.  This is PATCHY
This is the link to Patchy's blog IT IS BRILLLLL!!  She has done a superb job on it. Please click and have a look pals. 
Patchy also has a channel on YouTube, please take a look pals it is BRIL!!
We now have a new pic of Patchy. Doesn't she look a million dollars in her diamond collar, well, that what she is thinkin, hehehe !  You look a million dollars anyway sweet Patchy !!

We have two more pals to tell you about and they from ITALY!  They are Ugo Long Whiskas and Pulce. Ugo is 6 yrs old and Pulce's best pal. They met in the garden and Pulce's auntie decided to adopt him. 
Notice Ugo doing his guarding !  Very impressive ! 
Here is Ugo

Now, the senior puss cat is Pulce, he is 16yrs old. He is a gentle soul, loves napping, playing loves his mum, his auntie and of course Ugo. They both live in a lovely house in the hills near Torino.
This is Pulce
We are happy to say that we have received a couple more FANTASTIC  pictures of Pulce, he is one heck of a dude, check out these pics....

Now, if two pals from Italy wasn't enough we now have another from near Turin. It is Pantoufle (or Pantie to very close friends!) is a 11yr old kitty living in a lovely house in the hills near Turin with mum.  Pantie loves patrol, relaxing and having pic taken...  this is Pantie
and this is Pantie's paw hehe!

Now from the hills of northern Italy to the slightly smaller hills of East Yorkshire and Parsley the House Panther !  Quite an #wlf activist. Lives in a very rural setting. Has tried a bit of sheep rustling but hasn't quite mastered it yet. Loves sleeping on piles of clean washing. 
Here is the Panther Parsley.
We have a little update on our pal Parsley. He is a very "paws on" puss cat and likes to help any tradesmen with their work, one in particular has given Parsley a reference......  Well done Parsley pal.

Although a lot of our pals are kitties, we also have doggies as pals. One special doggy in Thomas Archer. He is a kind, caring, loyal pal to his family and his pals online. Sadly he lost his dear, sweet Keely not long ago, we all rallied round to cheer him up and honour sweet Keely.  Thomas is way downunder in Queensland, Oz !  He loves playing frizbees and a keen footballer.  We have added 2 pics of Thomas as he is a doggy among kitties, well, they funny pics.  Here is Thomas.

If any of you pals have more pics of yourselves and would like them added to this page PLEASE SEND THEM TO US we will add them with great pleasure. 

Now, we have a special chum from Cheshire, fink he may well be a bit posh as from Cheshire hehe. It be Mr Pie, well originally called Mince Pie. He was a bit of a chunky chap but became Top Cat of PDSA Pet Fit Club. His info online is here  
What a celeb!  He is a wonderful, thoughtful guy. a good pal to all in #wlf and others. Here is Mr Pie

Now we have another dear pal from the UK and that is TAZO.  Or often known as TAZO THE TAT !  He is a special guy as he has a blind crossed eye but he never lets this stop him from doin all stuff. He a loyal member of #wlf, if very kind hearted, a very trusted pal. Got great sense of humour and very kind.  Here is the guy himself....
Now Tazo is not alone at his house in Yorkshire, well, he got his hooman mum and dad of course, but he got a sisfur called Mezzy. Well, we asked Tazo to explain in his own words all about Mezzy, 
Well my lovelies, Mezzy is a tortie and white cat, a Lady of Autumn and a diva of epic proportions! She can be a proper grump! :) But when the mood takes her she is the most loving of cats and a lap cat. Mezzy's favourite things in the world are eating and sleeping! She is a lazy kitteh, especially in the Winter! She can't abide the chilly weather, she is a proper sun worshipper so as soon as the Autumn comes she has a mini hibernation until the end of Spring. Spring is her favourite time of year, much to mummy's horror, she is a proper hunter and loves nothing better than to terrorise the birdies, any rodent, pigeon, squirrel, jackdaw. Mummy has said that if she ever came home with a wild boar she wouldn't be surprised in the least! Mummy says she is too clever for her own good! She also enjoys to chase the laser pen and to sit in the kitchen, staring at the oven if there is a chicken inside and miaowing her little head off! The only time she miaows is when there is food around! She is around five years old and thinks she is a proper princess, she is bossy and likes everything her own way, as me said, a complete diva! Me loves her though but sadly she not love me :( But me keeps on trying to make her! She will love me one day! Me hopes!”
This is Mezzy. Not sure if that is a REAL MOUSE !!!

Our next pal is from Scotland, Fife infact.  His name is RYKER, named after, can you guess??  YES!! Commander Ryker of the USS Enterprise!  Our mum likes Star Trek TNG and Voyager. So she well impressed with Ryker. Loves chasing spiders, american football and just being a cool dude !  Heresss Ryker.....
Mum keeps asking why he not in Commander Ryker's uniform. We said we will ask Ryker and then he might "make it so" hehe.