Sunday, 1 February 2015

HI PALS, WE IS BACK !!!!!!!!

Hi dudes, Jasper and Felix here. Sorry about the long delay in updating our bloggy. Lots of fings have happened and mum been busy etc etc etc.  We have several fings to update you on. Some good and sadly, some not so good. But, the sad ones we have decided to make not so sad, if you see what we mean, well, it will become clear as we go on here. Anyway, expect you all know that me, Jasper, was in anipal hospical for my teef op. Well dear pals I will be giving you my hospical and recovery account shortly.

But first, we fink it only right and proper that we mention special pals that have recently gone OTRB. 'Both remove their #wlf berets and bow heads.'  It was with great sadness that we learnt, on the last day of 2014 that our beloved lady kitty Princess Tilly had crossed the rainbow bridge. It was a terrible shock especially for her wonderful mum who is still broken hearted. Both us and mum have been sending lots of gentle paw hugs and love to Tilly's mum who is such a lovely lady.

There is someone else, another very special lady kitty who crossed the rainbow bridge over a year ago. Very wrongly of us we did not give her a write up what she did deserve, we humbly apologise as she is such a very special lady pal and we know her nan (mum) was heartbroken when she went OTRB. Sisfur Flo is looking after nan and keeps her beddy warm for her.
Miss Zoby Doby
So, something that we have been meaning to do for a while and now FINALLY got round to doing is - 'both cough to clear throats and shout in unison' AWARD ZOBY DOBY AND PRINCESS TILLY A POSTUMOUS AWARD, FROM THE COLD WET NOSE DAY CAMPAIGN, THE FESTER AWARD FOR FRIENDSHIP. Two wonderful, kind and so very friendly kitties, we do hope their mums will accept the award for them. Zoby has a sisfur called Flo who is still looking after their mum or nan we should say and is also a very beautiful lady kitty. Will be sending them to the recipients ASAP. Now altogether pals APPAWS ! APPAWS ! APPAWS ! So you see, out of heartache at losing such wonderful pals we want to bring some happiness and acknowledgment of such wonderful pals. We would love to give an award to EVERY kitty in the whole wide world but it would be impossible. So, every kitty that receives one we know it is for them but also for all the kitties throughout the world who are all so very special.

Now, another very special kitty who, sadly crossed the rainbow bridge last year was a lad from America called SMITTY. Now, we didn't know Smitty very well, but our dear pal Mr Mince Pie was a very close friend of Smitty's and wrote a wonderful obituary for him and the verse for his award THE WOLFIE AWARD FOR BRAVERY which his mum and dad received.
Wonderful Smitty
Mr Pie's tribute to his #bestie pal Smitty......

My #bestie pal Smitty, whose delightful character was a welcome sight with his special cheery greeting.  Smitty endured his poor health with such dignity and his family had such a remarkably pawsitive attitude that they were an inspiration to us all.

Hey efurrybody ! Count each day as a blessing. Sweet dreams dear wonderful friend Smitty, we love you so very very much xxx

So wonderful from Mr Pie, 'both dabbing eyes with each other's tails.'

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