Sunday, 22 February 2015


HI PALS!!  Felix and Jasper here !  We is back to make special announcemtns of our COLD WET NOSE DAY CAMPAIGN AWARDS !  Yes pals, we finally got around to sortin out der awards. We bin chasing mum to give us a hand to sort fings out but she been so busy doin stuff for work and the house. Trouble is she be knakkereed after all that work stuff.  Still, never mind we has got there now YAYYYYY!!!  Now, what we will do is announce them here and then will sort the certifficates out and get then sent to the recipients. 

RIGHT!  ARE YOU READY!!!!  DRUM ROLL AND TRUMPET (Felix on drums, what a racket and Jasper on trumpet, mum has cotton wool in ears!) 

This is the certificate that will be awarded to the the recipients below.  Their name, photo and info on them will be added. This award was set up in remembrance of our wonderful pal Fester.

First recipient is Princess Tilly. This is a postumous award for our beautiful lady kitty friend. She sadly left us at the end of last year and we know her mum and all the family miss her dreadfully. She is keeping an eye on efurryone from her cloud and her sisfur Nugget is keeping the flag flying on twittery, so please make sure you follow Nugget, she is a very beautiful kitty as her sisfur, she misses Tilly so much too, so we must make her feel at home on twittery.  Tilly was a wonderful friend to all of us, always kind and thoughful and very caring. A beautiful lady kitty.
Princess Tilly

The next postumous award for a lady kitty is for Zoby Doby. She left us for her cloud a littlw while ago and has been keeping an eye on her nan and sisfur Floby ever since.  Also, keeping an eye on all of us and sending down masses of love and support for efurryone. She was always a wonderful and loving friend, and continues to be so. We know that Flo and nan miss her so much but know she is watching them closely and sends loads of love to them every day.
Miss Zoby Doby
We are now awarding a postumous award to a pal here in Scotland. It is Ryker. He also left his mum and dad for his cloud a little while ago and has been keeping a very close eye on them making sure they be ok. He was so special to his mum and dad, we know they miss him so very much. He was and still is a very loyal friend to all his pals all over the world, always there with support and a funny little comment to cheer us all up. He was Ryker of the Enterprise, he is now Captain of his own Starship.

Commander Ryker

Now, those were our postumous awards, although we think there are a few more that should be handed out, please let us know if there is an anipal or even a hooman connected to anipals who deserves an award.

Our next friend award goes to a very special lady kitty over in the USA. That is Nancy Cake Face. She is a wonderful, amazing friend to all us anipals, always there to listen to our woes and give us loads of support and make us laugh too. Her and her mum are so very, very caring. We have all known Nancy for quite a while and she is always there whenever pawsible. A true and loyal friend. We loves you and your mum so much, one of our special American lady kitties. Whenever we see Nany we always start singing "Nancy with the laughing face"
Miss Nancy Cake Face
 Now, we have four gents on the way now. 3 kitties and a dawggy. The first is a true feline gent who recently had dental surgery, like me, Jasper and thank catiness he is A OK, as I be too. That gent is Mr MInce Pie. Dear Mincey has been a true pal for a long time and has made some incredible achievements. Weight problems has been a bit of an issue for our dear pal for a while but he works hard on this and tries to keep a slim figure when pawssible.  He gets onto twittery when ever he can and gives word of support and friendship to all he chats to. A true pal, a true friend.
Mr Mince Pie

We now off to Canada to a kitty who hands to us all many awards cos he is a real wonderful kitty and extremely talented too. That is NIssy. Nissy works so very very hard writing his column and promoting anipal rights, informing us all on certain issues, every day he is at his laptoppy working so very hard, a true dedicated kitty. His column is absolutely magniicent, a true talent. He is always there too, always there to support in times of crisis, kind and caring words he will always send. You know what we gonna say Nissy pal don't you... MOUSES!!  hee hee!!
Mr Nissy

We wanted to give an award to a wonderful pal who had to look after his family this week as his sisfur Rosa went missing. It was a very upsetting time for the family and this wonderful pal stayed strong and supported his family thorughout. Thankfully it had a happy ending and his sisfur Rosa was found safe and well. It is of course Moon. Such a caring and loving kitty, wonderful support to his mum and dad and all the family, and his pals too, good on yer Moon, true hero.
Mr Moon
Now pals, we is orfff to Australia, our award now goes to Thomas Archer, a very special dawggy. He also receives the Fester Award for Friendship. Thomas is such an amazing dawggy, he is always there with a friendly paw, a friendly word, supportive, caring and cares about all anipals, he is so wonderful and kind to his fellow dawggies and all us kitties too Has an amazing sense of hoomer and looks after his hooman family and his dawggy family too. Little Chloe loves her Papa. 
Mr Thomas Archer
To all our recipients a massive THANK YOU for being you, for being wonderful friends, wonderful anipals. We always know that our pals who have gone OTRB are still with us and always will be, they still watching over us and their families, still touching us with their loving paws. WE LOVE ALL OF YOU GUYS!!! XXX

WEDO HAVE MORE IN THE PIPLINE, SO MANY WONDERFUL PALS TO HONNER. PIPLINE ??? HEE HEE !!!We is sorry that our written English is a bit nafff mum keeps telling us to watch our spilling and our gremmer.  Well we tries our bestest.



  1. Oh my. I'm so proud to be listed with these magnificent anipals. Each one of whom is a dear friend and hero of mine. Ryker McDonald

  2. Oh my gosh. I am so very honoured. I feel so honoured that I'm actually at a loss for words and that doesn't happen very often. MOUSES!


  3. *APPAWS* Concatulations to all the other recipients - you is all wonderful and absolutely deserve this award. As for myself, I am totally humbled and secretly chuffed to be one of the chosen. Thank you Felix and Jasper *bows* You are both pawsome kitties and I am honoured that you have awarded me a Fester Special Friend Award *smoochies* Thank you! *runs to show Nan*
