We must mention some of our pals, Our dearest Fester and his mum who has had flu, we wish Fester and his mum a very happy Kittymas and hope Fester's mum is feeling loads better. She is such a wonderful person to all the anipals she looks after. Happy Kittymas to rest of Fester's family too.
Patchy Meow and mum and all family. Hope weather ok in Cyprus and Patchy and mum and family have a happy Kittymas. Patchy worked hard on the 24hr WLF Kittymas pawty, so deserves a relaxing Kittymas. Patchy's mum is very clever and writes wonderful stories.
Mr Tibbs & Wolfie, and their mum & dad. they work so hard for anipals especially kitties in the Essex area and efurrywhere else too. Tireless workers for wlf. Always ready with advice and help for all of us. We got some stuff to do with Tibbsy in new year.
Duchess of Bramley, HRH Mimi and Countess, three ladies the pride of Yorkshire. Like Patchy, Duchess worked hard on the 24hr WLF Kittymas pawty. We hope that Duchess, Mimi and Countess have a very relaxing and peaceful Kittymas with their lovely mum and dad.
Nerissa or we should say Nissy. Our dear pal from Canada. Nissy has been wonderful pal, is so talented like Patchy, writes an amazing blog. So many pals do. Thank you Nissy for giving us all those awards and certificates on our blog, you are a great pal and we wish you and your family a very happy Kittymas. You work so hard and are so kind and caring.
We want to wish Princess Tilly and her mum and family very special Kittymas, Tilly is a wonderful kitty, so kind and thoughtful like her mum. Gentle and sweet kitty. She had her ups and downs this year but she bril now. With help form her boyfriend Angus all the way from South Africa. Happy Kittymas to Angus and his family too. A special gentleman, loving and thoughtful to sweet Tilly
Nancy Cake Face, our lovely Houston Nancy, all the way over in the USA. Nancy and her mum have been so kind to us, as has all our pals, cheering us up. Kind lady kitty and works so hard for WLF as well. Happy Kittymas to Nancy and mum in Houston USA.
Tazo from Lancashire, who has been a kind and thoughtful pal. Has bit of a scatty sisfur called Mezzy, who is so sweet. Has lovely mum and dad too. They all so kind and has sent us lovely messages. We wish Tazo and all his family a very happy Kittymas.
Chrizzie a special pal from Holland. Again, such a kind pal who has cheered us and our mum up on many occasion. That is so kind and thoughtful. We wish you a very happy Kittymas and big thanks for your support. You deserve it, we thank you so much.
Special Kittymas love and wishes to Gina, we call her New York Gina! A very kind and caring kitty from New York. Another American lady kitty. We send her and her mum and all her family loads of Kittymas hugs & best wishes.
Special happy Kittymas to Blue kitty in West Midlands. Poor Blue was attacked by a dog and thank god Blue survived and is a cheeky little kitty, happy and full of fun. Love you Blue. Happy Kittymas to Blue, brofur Henry, sisfurs Tabbi and Ebony. Happy Kittymas to their lovely mum and dad and hooman sisfur. They are also such kind and thoughtful people and deserve a happy Kittymas.
Special Kittymas love and best wishes to Mr Pie he kitty from Cheshire. He is a top dude. Like all our pals, he is kind and thoughtful. Always there to lend a helping paw. Happy Kittymas to Pie and his family.
Sadly, we have lost some pals this year, one of which was our dear pal Ryker. We think of him so much as he lived not far from us and we miss him greatly. He was a good pal to us and many other anipals. We know that he and all other OTRB pals are watching over us and touch us gently with their paws efurryday. We love you Ryker and all OTRB pals, we will love you forever.
If we have not mentioned you PLEASE DO NOT TAKE IT PERSONALLY, you know that we count all of you as our bestest pals. That is why we have our special pals page. We still need to add more special pals, we waiting for info from a few more. If you are on that page YOU KNOW YOU ARE SPECIAL!! We are honoured that we have so many. WE LOVE YOU SO, SO ,SO, MUCH.
So, all of you out there have a safe and happy Kittymas. No fighting or falling out over the final turkey leg, remember, it only has two !! Eat drink and be merry but don't over do it. HAPPY KITTYMAS ONE AND ALL FROM JASPER, FELIX AND OUR MUM HUGS HUGS XXX
Thank you so much for the lovely things you said about mum and I. You are lovely sweet guys and mum is a kind and clever lady.
ReplyDeleteI also wish you all a very Happy Kittymas. I was hoping mum could find a turkey with four legs, so we could all have one each, but alas it only has two!
Love, Hugs and Purrs your pal Patchy. XXXXXX
Awwww, such a lufferly post *thumping tailwags* Merry Crispmouse, sweet kitties *smoochies*
ReplyDeleteAnd a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS to you, too! Hope you had a great day yesterday. I know I sure did.
ReplyDeleteThe video was brilliant! LOVED IT! Felt sorry for the little doggy who missed his entrance though. Where's the ASM when you need her?