Well, we is be in the process of getting mum to purrchase a new scratchy post for us, she was going to purrchase one for Crimbo but she didn't get round to it. We still had lots of prezzies though! Scratchy post was still well usable at the time but we have now destroyed it to cataclizzmic proportions. We will ask mum to provide a pic so we can show you. We think our plan has been successful as she said she will go and get one from Argos this week. We love it when a plan comes together ! hee hee !!
NOW!! ATTENTION PLEASE!! We have announcement to make, our dear, dear, pal Nerissa (Nissy) has awarded us with 2 more, yes TWO more awards. First, the SEVEN THINGS ABOUT ME award where we will list down 7 fings about us twos, which we will do ASAP. The second is we be nommsinees for REALITY BLOG AWARD, we will add these to our blog. We are so proud, thank you Nissy you are toppest dude. Don't forget, Nissy lives in Nova Scotia in Canada. Click here for NISSY'S BLOG - NERISSA'S LIFE
We be back to write more on our bloggy this week pals. about time we added some more bits 'n' bobs. HEE HEE